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Tłumaczenie - Francuski-Angielski - De tous les sentiments que j`ai ...

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: FrancuskiAngielski

Kategoria Wolne pisanie

De tous les sentiments que j`ai ...
Wprowadzone przez tiloup
Język źródłowy: Francuski

De tous les sentiments que j`ai éprouvés dans ma vie,l`amitié sincère est celui que tu m`as toujours inspiré.Tu es à mes yeux ce que j`ai de plus précieux.
Aujourd`hui pour ton anniversaire,je voudrais te dire sincèrement à quel point tu m`es cher.Bon anniversaire
Uwagi na temat tłumaczenia
anglais du canada

Of all the feelings I've had in my life...

Tłumaczone przez lilian canale
Język docelowy: Angielski

Of all the feelings I've experienced in my life, genuine friendship is the one you have always inspired in me. To my eyes, of what I have, you are the most precious.
Today, on your birthday, I 'd like to tell you sincerely how dear you are to me.
Happy birthday!
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez Francky5591 - 27 Sierpień 2008 09:39

Ostatni Post


26 Sierpień 2008 16:05

Liczba postów: 3389
I would say 'you have inspired in me'.

26 Sierpień 2008 17:03

Liczba postów: 1084
I suggest :..tu m'es cher = are dear to me.

26 Sierpień 2008 23:06

Liczba postów: 55
Some things need to be corrected.

"the genuine freindship" => "genuine friendship"

"inspired to me" => "inspired in me"

"Of what I have, you are to my eyes, the most precious"

"I 'd like to tell you sincerely how dear you are to me. "

27 Sierpień 2008 00:39

Liczba postów: 330
Some suggestions to improve this translation:

I think 'the' in front of 'genuine friendship' should be removed.

'inspired to me'
'inspired in me'

Sequence change:
'To my eyes you are the most precious of what I have.'

'to want extent you are loved'
'how dear you are to me'

27 Sierpień 2008 01:32

Liczba postów: 2747
Hi Lillian

"A mes yeux" in French is not really translatable as it is. It means "in my opinion" or "for me" and is probably best translated as "In my eyes"

So I would just suggest rearranging the following phrase:

"To my eyes, of what I have, you are the most precious."


"In my eyes, you are the most precious thing I have."


"For me, you are the most precious thing I have"