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Traduction - Japonais-Anglais - 苦しむためあなたのために愛し

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Catégorie Amour / Amitié

Proposé par Ana3
Langue de départ: Japonais


I love (you) for the sake of the suffering, for your sake

Traduit par IanMegill2
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

For the sake of the suffering, for your sake, I love (you)
Commentaires pour la traduction
Romanized: Kurushimu tame, anata no tame ni, ai shi
kurushimu tame: (to suffer) (for the sake of)
anata no tame ni: (you) (possessive particle) (for the sake of) (grammatical particle)
ai shi: (love) ("do"-verb in an incomplete form, suggesting something after that)
For the sake of (the) suffering (I will undergo?), for your sake (only), (I) love (you)...
You can see how ambiguous this is by the abundance of parentheses: Japanese sentences require neither subject nor object. At any rate, the meaning seems to be as above...I'd have to get the context...
Dernière édition ou validation par kafetzou - 9 Septembre 2007 03:50