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Перевод - Шведский-Английский - Hej! Tack för senast! Det var härligt att...

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Hej! Tack för senast! Det var härligt att...
Добавлено christina007
Язык, с которого нужно перевести: Шведский


Tack för senast! Det var härligt att äntligen få träffa dig och mormor.


Перевод сделан Porfyhr
Язык, на который нужно перевести: Английский

Hi! We had a nice time the other day! It was splendid to finally meet you and grandma.
Комментарии для переводчика
"Tack för senast" ='We had a nice time the other day'
The Swedish [b]expression[/b] can't be translated into English in any other way.
Последнее изменение было внесено пользователем kafetzou - 6 Август 2007 16:50

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5 Август 2007 13:14

Кол-во сообщений: 1655
Can you please explain me the expression

Tack för senast!


Thank you!

6 Август 2007 09:05

Кол-во сообщений: 14
"we had a nice time the other day" is not correct... "Tack för senast" means "thanks for last time we met"

6 Август 2007 14:39

casper tavernello
Кол-во сообщений: 5057
... or 'thanks for earlier', when they had a good time.

6 Август 2007 15:53

Кол-во сообщений: 871
It is really awkward to translate. Now it would be nice if I could do the search here because I have tried to explain this before.

This is a type of "thank you" we also use in Finland. The most common use is when the other person has invited us to his home (to a party, to a birthday or just to spend some time together). Next time we meet we want to thank him (for the evening - including food and company)... most often because it has been nice, but we thank even when it has been not so nice (then the emphasis is of course on the invitation )

6 Август 2007 16:33

Кол-во сообщений: 7963
Can we say "Thank you for inviting us to your home"?

CC: Nuppu casper tavernello Maribel Porfyhr

6 Август 2007 16:43

Кол-во сообщений: 793
the sentence you have suggested is not near what they say. They wish to thank the hosts for the last invitation and the previous party. The expression is difficult to translate.

The suggestion by Nuppu is not right.

According to the dictionaries, Cassels Swe/Eng etc., and to my knowledge it is the correct way to translate the expression as I've done. Therefore I rest my case.

6 Август 2007 16:44

casper tavernello
Кол-во сообщений: 5057
I agree .

6 Август 2007 16:50

Кол-во сообщений: 7963
OK; thanks everybody.