Apartheidregimen och länder sympatiska till regimen ansåg att ANCs och Nelson Mandelas metoder vid den tiden kunde liknas vid terrorism, men idag anses Mandelas agerande av de flesta ha varit berättigat i kampen mot förtrycket.
The apartheid regime, and countries sympathetic to the regime, considered that the methods of the ANC and Nelson Mandela at that time resembled terrorism, but today Mandela's acts are regarded by most to have been justified by the struggle against oppression.
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur IanMegill2 - 12 October 2007 14:54
The original form of the translation:
The regime of apartheid and countries sympathetic to the regime considered that ANCs and Nelson Mandelas methods at that time could resembled to terrorism, but today Mandelas acting is regarded by the most to been authorized for the struggle against the oppression.