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Translation - Latin-Danish - Si probitas, sensus, virtutum gratia, cencus,...Current status Translation
This text is available in the following languages:  
| Si probitas, sensus, virtutum gratia, cencus,... | Text Submitted by Borg | Source language: Latin
Si probitas, sensus, virtutum gratia, cencus, nobilitas orti possint resistere morti, non foret extinctus Fredericus, qui iacet intus. |
| Hvis ærlighed, intelligens... | TranslationDanish Translated by wkn | Target language: Danish
Hvis ærlighed, intelligens, de ædleste dyder, visdom, det gode omdømme og blodets ædelhed kunne forhindre døden, ville Frederik, som hviler her, ikke være død.
| Remarks about the translation | Translated from Cammello's bridge. |
Last messages | | | | | 17 July 2008 21:37 | |  wknNumber of messages: 332 | Can I have an English bridge, please? Cannot google this. Shared points, thank you CC: Cammello | | | 17 July 2008 21:52 | | | ^_^
Maybe you can't google it in English.
But that's in Italian. I write it if anyone can translate it in english better than me
It's the sentence written on Frederick I Barbarossa's tomb.
Se l’onestà , l’intelligenza, le più alte virtù,
la saggezza, la buona reputazione e la nobiltÃ
del sangue potessero resistere alla morte,
Federico, che qui riposa, non sarebbe morto
If Honesty, intelligence, the highest virtues, wisdom, the good reputation and blood's nobility could resist to death, Frederick, who rests here, wouldn't have been dead | | | 17 July 2008 22:07 | |  wknNumber of messages: 332 | Thanks, I will proceed to Danish from here. Points on their way. |
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