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358 原稿の言語 この翻訳依頼は意味だけで結構です。 Asset-Based Context Matrix. The ABC Matrix is a contextually-based assesment tool for implementing an approach to early childhood intervention practices that emphasizes the importance of children's learning in natural enviroments. It is designed to be used by practitioners and parents for identifying children's interests and assets and promoting children's learning opportunities and participation in everyday life experiences and activities. 翻訳されたドキュメント Vahvuudet huomioiva kasvuympäristö | |
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241 原稿の言語 Agitata da due venti Agitata da due venti, freme l'ondain mar turbato e'l nocchiero spaventato, giá s'aspettaa naufragar
Agitata da due venti, frame l'ondain mar turbato e'l nocchiero spaventato, giá s'aspettaa naufragar
Dal doveree da l'amore combattuto, questo core non resiste e par che ceda eincominci a desperar This is from opera of Anthony Vivaldi (La Griselda) 翻訳されたドキュメント Kahden tuulen kiihdyttämä | |
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172 原稿の言語 Frases Religiosas Deus todo-poderoso tenha compaixão de nós, perdoe os nossos pecados e nos conduza à vida eterna.
Tenha fé em Deus.
Deus guia a minha vida.
Creio em um só Deus, Pai todo-poderoso, Criador do céu e da terra. 翻訳されたドキュメント Religiosae sententiae | |
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