Umseting - Malaisiskt-Franskt - SAYA SAYANG SANGAT AWAK PUTERIKUNúverðandi støða Umseting
Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum:  
Bólkur Kærleiki / Vinskapur | SAYA SAYANG SANGAT AWAK PUTERIKU | | Uppruna mál: Malaisiskt
| Je t'aime beaucoup ma princesse. | UmsetingFranskt Umsett av Ojuls | Ynskt mál: Franskt
Je t'aime beaucoup ma princesse. | Viðmerking um umsetingina | "ma princesse" : "litt. "ma fille" |
Síðstu boð | | | | | 19 Juni 2008 22:50 | | | Francky, I sent a message to Coloma2004, who's indonesian expert.
Here are her messages :
Hi Botica,
Malaysian and Indonesian are similar but sometimes for the same words have differrent meaning like the one you send me. I think the meaning is : I love my daughhter. But i'm not really sure because it has some contridiction awak=you (malay), putriku =my daughter (indonesia/malay) or second guess: I love you, my daughter..
Hope it helps :-)
and :
Ups... I forgot one word:'sangat' means very much
I think you can validate. | | | 20 Juni 2008 11:32 | | | merci botica, j'ai rectifié et validé |