Originalus tekstas - Serbų - terza jednog dana cu ti se osvetiti!! zivane ti...Esamas statusas Originalus tekstas
Šis tekstas išverstas į šias kalbas:  
Kategorija Sakinys - Meilė / Draugystė  Tai "bendrosios prasmės" vertimo prašymas.
| terza jednog dana cu ti se osvetiti!! zivane ti... | Tekstas vertimui Pateikta veky | Originalo kalba: Serbų
terza jednog dana cu ti se osvetiti!! zivane ti si mi sve.. za tebe zivim, za njega ginem.. | | da ime ne bude na srpskom.. |
17 kovas 2009 21:49
Paskutinės žinutės | | | | | 24 balandis 2009 10:44 | | | May I bother you with two bridges, please? Here's the first. CC: Cinderella | | | 26 balandis 2009 18:59 | | | Hi, I'd like to know the meaning in English of this sentence, please, especially the words "terza" and "zivane". Thank you very much. CC: Roller-Coaster Cinderella | | | 26 balandis 2009 19:18 | | | "Terza, I will revenge on you one day!! Zivan, you are my all.. I live for you, I die for him.."
Terza and Zivan are some kind of names or nicknames.
Veky wanted name not to be in Serbian.
| | | 26 balandis 2009 20:18 | | | Well, Thanks.
It's kind of a strange text...  | | | 26 balandis 2009 21:06 | | | You're welcome. Glad to help.
Yes, I agree with you, this text is really strange.