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StruÄnjaci i administratori cucumis.org-aHrvatskiStruÄnjaci i administratori cucumis.org-a Dužnosti i obveze struÄnjaka cucumis.org-a1 StruÄnjak ima poseban status za jedan jezik (ponekad i viÅ¡e). StruÄnjak može ocjenjivati samo prijevode obavljene na tom jeziku. 2 StruÄnjak redovito posjećuje cucumis.org kako bi provjerio nove prijevode korisnika. 3 Kada je prijevod vrlo dobar, prihvaća se bez ureÄ‘ivanja i s vrlo dobrom ocjenom. Vidite dolje za viÅ¡e detalja o ocjenama. 4 Kada je prijevod dobar ali sadrži neke manje pogreÅ¡ke, prvo ga treba urediti pa prihvatiti. Vidite dolje za viÅ¡e detalja o ocjenama. 5 Kada prijevod nije dovoljno dobar, odbija ga se (vidite dolje za viÅ¡e detalja o ocjenjivanju odbijenih tekstova). Vrlo je važno poslati poruku ispod odbijenog prijevoda (ili poslati poruku direktno korisniku), kako ne bi ponovili istu pogreÅ¡ku. 6 Znam da većina nas prevodi iz ljubavi i nije nam stalo do bodova, ali trebate znati da kada prihvaćate ili odbijate prijevode zaradite mali postotak cijene prijevoda. 7 ProÄitajte i zapamtite ove vrlo bitne smjernice o prevoÄ‘enju na cucumisu. 8 Postoje RSS kanali (koji se redovito ažuriraju), putem kojih možete provjeriti nove prijevode koje treba procijeniti meÄ‘u jezicima za koje ste struÄnjak. Kanale možete pronaći na stranici s listom prijevoda koje treba procijeniti (odaberite ciljne jezike za koje ste struÄnjak), tako da kliknete na ikonu . Slobodno ih koristite u svom RSS ÄitaÄu (netvibes, googleov ÄitaÄ i mnogi drugi). 9 Ne žurite ! Prihvatite ritam koji možete održavati kroz duže vrijeme. Iskustvo je pokazalo da novi struÄnjaci koji prevedu i ocjene stotine prijevoda tokom prvih nekoliko dana ne ostanu jako dugo na cucumisu. Zato, ne žurite... 10 Kada procjenjujete prijevode, obratite pažnju na talentirane prevoditelje koji bi mogli postati struÄnjaci, kao i vi. PoÅ¡aljite poruku administratoru i obavijestite ga o tome. Rad u ekipi je uvijek efikasniji i zabavniji. TakoÄ‘er, oni vas mogu zamijeniti kada život oteža redovito posjećivanje cucumis-a. 11- StruÄnjaci ne pojeÄuju stranicu samo kako bi provjerili prijevode na "svoje" jezike i prijevode koje treba procijeniti, već i kako bi provjerili zahtjeve za prijevod sa jezika za koje su oni struÄni, a koji trebaju ureÄ‘ivanje prije prevoÄ‘enja (uglavnom greÅ¡ke u pisanju). Svaki zahtjev koji nije u skladu s ovim pravilima treba prijaviti administratorima i staviti u pripremu. Ocjene1 Ocjena koju date prijevodu odnosi se samo na pismenost prevoditelja u ciljnom jeziku. 2 Na primjer, ako je meni francuski materinji jezik, mogu potpuno krivo prevesti znaÄenje nekog engleskog teksta na francuski, ali on će biti napisan na gramatiÄki savrÅ¡enom francuskom. U tom sluÄaju možete odbiti prijevod s visokom ocjenom (ili bez ocjene, vidite dolje). 3 Kada odbijate prijevod možete odabrati opciju "Bez ocjene" koja neće imati utjecaja na korisnikovu ocjenu za ciljni jezik. 4 Na primjer, kada odbijate prijevod zato Å¡to je na krivom jeziku, trebate odbaciti prijevod bez ocjene. Koje detalje trebam provjeriti prije nego prihvatim/odobrim prijevod?1 Kada prihvaćate prijevod koji nema oznaku "samo znaÄenje", on se automatski uraÄunava u ove statistike. Vrlo su bitne jer se pomoću njih izraÄunava cijena svakog zahtjeva za prijevod. Provjerite da nema komentara u prijevodu, ili duplih prijevoda, jer će inaÄe statistike biti uniÅ¡tene. 2 Provjerite strukturu reÄenice i interpunkciju, koja mora biti toÄna u prijevodu Äak i ako je pogreÅ¡na u zahtjevu. Iako se ne preporuÄa, neki korisnici svoje zahtjeve piÅ¡u iskljuÄivo velikim slovima. Ako u komentaru zahtjeva ne stoji da prijevod treba biti napisan na jednak naÄin, prijevod mora biti u skladu s pravilima pisanja velikih i malih slova, koristeći velika slova samo kada to gramatika zahtjeva. 3 Provjerite da li je prijevod naslova na pravom jeziku. On ne mora biti prijevod originalnog naslova. Prijevodi koje treba provjeriti1 U lijevom izborniku na stranici za prijevode nalazi se nekoliko stavki koje će biti prikazane crvenom bojom kada ih morate provjeriti. 2 "Odbijeni prijevodi koje treba potvrditi". Ova stavka predstavlja prijevode koji su obavljeni, a koje je odbio korisnik koji ih je zatražio. ZnaÄi da on smatra da nisu dovoljno dobri. Prijevod joÅ¡ nije u potpunosti odbijen, vi ga možete odbiti, ili prihvatiti ako je dobar. Takve tekstove je najvažnije provjeriti. 3 "Stranice za provjeru". Ova stavka predstavlja stranice koje su korisnici oznaÄili "crvenom zastavicom". Nakon Å¡to ispravite prijevod ne zaboravite ukloniti "crvenu zastavicu" klikom na tipku [ObriÅ¡i]. 4 "Prijevodi u pripremi". Dostupno samo administratorima. Možete zatraženi prijevod staviti u pripremu kada mislite da ih prevoditelji ne bi trebali vidjeti bez ispravka. To je alternativa, kako ne bismo brisali svaki zahtjev koji sadrži neku pogreÅ¡ku. Å to ako ne razumijem izvorni jezik?1 Prvo, pogledajte profil prevoditelja (godine, materinji jezik, proÅ¡le prijevode, jezike koje može Äitati) i pokuÅ¡ajte procijeniti koliko je pažnje unio u prijevod. 2 Većinu nemarnih prijevoda obavljaju novi korisnici koji tek iskuÅ¡avaju stranicu. 3 Zatražite pomoć od drugih korisnika i struÄnjaka koji razumiju izvorni jezik. Kada kliknete na tipku "Ne razumijem izvorni jezik", prijevod će postati otvoren za glasanje svim korisnicima koji razumiju oba jezika. Nakon nekoliko dana morate samo pogledati rezultat i odluÄiti se. 4 Na kraju, ako niste zadovoljni glasovima korisnika, možete pitati prevoditelja da vam potvrdi svoj prijevod. Ako vam korisnik odgovori, to je samo po sebi dobar znak. 5 Nemojte ocjenjivati prijevode ako nakon svog vaÅ¡eg istraživanja ipak niste sigurni. 6 Postoji joÅ¡ jedna moguÄnost. Kada piÅ¡ete poruku ispod prijevoda, možete odabrati opciju da se o njoj obavijesti struÄnjak. StruÄnjaci koje odluÄite obavijestiti će primiti poruku koja ih poziva da provjere taj prijevod. Samo znaÄenje1 Zahtjevi za prijevod koji traže "samo znaÄenje" su zahtjevi koji se fokusiraju na znaÄenje, a ne na oblik. Možete prihvatiti prijevod Äak i ako je napravljen samo "otprilike" (ukoliko je toÄan, naravno). Zapitajte se: Da sam ja korisnik koji je zatražio prijevod, da li bi mi ovaj prijevod pomogao da razumijem znaÄenje teksta na izvornom jeziku? Ako je odgovor "Da", možete ga prihvatiti. Naravno možete koristiti anketu da vam pomogne ocijeniti ovakve prijevode. 2 Ponekad zahtjev ne traži "samo znaÄenje" iako bi trebao. Uredite zahtjev tako da bude "samo znaÄenje". Izvorni tekst napisan "otprilike", nepoznati jezik ili mjeÅ¡avina nekoliko jezika, sms jezik, i td... trebaju imati oznaku "samo znaÄenje". NaÅ¡ privatni forum1 NaÅ¡ privatni forum (na Engleskom je, jer pretpostavljamo da svi možemo pisati i razumjeti engleski makar donekle) je dostupan samo struÄnjacima i administratorima cucumis.org-a. Koristite ga za pitanja i prijedloge. 2 Administratori cucumis.org-a su struÄnjaci s dodatnim pravima. To su najÄešće iskusni korisnici cucumis.org-a i možete imati povjerenja u njihove odgovore. Administratori1 KorisniÄka imena administratora su napisana crvenom bojom. 2 Administratori mogu imati nekoliko prava i privilegija. Oni mogu: - razina 1 : Napraviti i rukovoditi (ureÄ‘ivati/brisati poruke) forum na jednom jeziku. - razina 2 : Prihvaćati/odbijati/ureÄ‘ivati/mijenjati jezike/brisati ciljne jezike za sve prijevode/sve jezike. Mogu raditi skoro sve na cucumisu, dakle njih možete pitati da obave stvari koje vi ne možete. Administratori 2 i viÅ¡e razine su oznaÄeni ovim znakom . Iako tehniÄki mogu procjenjivati sve jezike, oni najÄešće procjenjuju samo jezike u kojima su struÄnjaci. ÄŒak i ako o znaÄenju prijevoda postoji pozitivna anketa, ne procjenjujte prijevode ako niste struÄnjak za ciljni jezik. - razina 3 : Brisati ciljne jezike (potpuno). - razina 4 : Zabranjivati pristup korisnicima, ureÄ‘ivati profile korisnika, davati privilegije, i td... EngleskiExperts and administrators of cucumis.org Duties and responsibilities of the cucumis.org expert1 The expert has special status for one language (and sometimes, more than one). The expert can only rate the translations done in this language. 2 The expert visits cucumis.org regularly to check the translations done by the members. 3 When the translation is very good, the translation is accepted without editing with a very good rating. See below for more details on ratings. 4 When the translation is good but containing some minor mistakes, it's edited first and then accepted. See below for more details on ratings. 5 When the translation is not good enough, it's rejected (see below for more details on rejected translation ratings). It's very important to post a message above the rejected translation (or directly into the user's inbox if necessary), in order he or she doesn't make the same mistake twice. 6 I know that most of us are translating out of love and don't care about the earned points but you should know that when accepting or rejecting translations you earn a small percent of the translation cost. 7 Read and remember these very important guidelines about how to translate on cucumis. 8 There is a RSS feed (updated everyday) that you can use to be informed of any new translations to be evaluated for the languages you are expert in. You can find this stream on the page showing the lists of translations to be evaluated (select the target languages you are expert in), by clicking on the icon . Don't hesitate to use this stream in your favorite RSS reader (netvibes, google reader and many others). 9 Keep cool ! Adopt a rythm that you can maintain for a long time. The experience has shown that new experts who translate and evaluate hundreds of translation during their first days, don't last very long on cucumis. So, keep cool... 10 While evaluating translations, pay attention to talented translators that could become an expert like you. Drop a message to an administrator about it. Working in a team is always more enjoyable and more efficient. Moreover, they can replace you when your life make it less easy to spend some time on cucumis. 11- Experts visit the site regularly not only to check the translations done into their languages of expertise and that are to be evaluated, but also to check the requests in their languages that may need some corrections before being translated (mainly misspellings) when submitted by a non-native speaker. Any request which is out of frame according to these submission rules must be notified to the admins and put in standby. Ratings1 The rating you give to a translation only concerns the translator's ability to write in the target language. 2 For example, if I'm a French native speaker, I can do a very bad translation from English to French (wrong meaning) but written in a perfect French. In this case you could reject the translation with a high rating (or no rating at all, see below). 3 When rejecting a translation, you can choose the option "No rating" which will have no effect on the global user rating for the target language. 4 For example, in the case of a translation rejected because it is not the right language, you should reject the translation without any rating. What little things do I have to check before accepting/approving a translation?1 When you accept a translation that is not "meaning only", it's automatically integrated in these statistics. They are very important as they are used to calculate the cost of each translation request. Check that there aren't any comments in the translation, or any double translation otherwise the statistics will be distorted. 2 Check the structure of the sentences and the punctuation, which must be correct in the target language even if the original is faulty. Although not recommended, notice that some users introduce a request written completely in capital letters. Unless it is expressly required by the poster in the remark field, the translation must read correctly using caps only where the script in the target language requires. 3 Check that the title is in the right language. The title does not have to be a translation of the original title. Translations to check1 On the left menu of the translation home page, there are several items of the side menu that will appear in red when you have to check them. 2 "Rejected translations to be confirmed". This item corresponds to done translations but that has been rejected by the user who requested it. It means the translation seems bad to him/her. The translation is not yet rejected, you can definitely reject it or accept it if it's good. It's must be checked in priority. 3 "Pages to check". This page corresponds to pages that have been "red-flaged" by users. One you corrected the translation, don't forget to remove the "red-flag" by clicking on the [Delete] button. 4 "Translations in standby". Only available for administrators. You can put a requested translation in standby when you think it must not be shown to the translators without a correction. It's an alternative for not having to remove the request when we detect a problem in it. What to do if I don't understand the source language?1 First, look at the profile of the translator (age, native language, former translations, languages that can be read) and try to evaluate the care that has been put into the translation. 2 Most of the careless translations are done by new users who are testing the service. 3 Try to find help from other members and experts who understand the source language. By clicking on the "I can't understand the source text" button, the translation will be submitted to the votes of all members who can understand the both languages. After a few days, you just have to look at the results to make up your mind. 4 Finally, if you are not statisfied with the members votes, you can still ask the translator directly for a confirmation. If the member replies to you, it's already a very good sign. 5 Don't evaluate translations if you are still not sure after all of your research. 6 There is another option. When posting a message below a translation, you can choose to alert an expert about this message. The experts you notify, will receive a message in their inbox that invites them to check the translation. Meaning only1 "Meaning only" translations correspond to requests focused on the meaning and not on the form. You can accept the translation even if the form is approximative (only if the meaning is right of course). You must ask yourself this question : If I was the user who requested the translation, would I understand the meaning of the source text reading this translation? If the answer is "Yes", you can accept it. Of course you can use the poll to help you to evaluate these translations. 2 Sometimes, a request is not "meaning only", whereas it should be. Edit the translation to make it "meaning only". Source texts with an approximative form, or in an unknown language or mixed languages, or sms language, etc... should be changed into "meaning only". Our private forum1 Our private forum (in English assuming that all of us can write and understand English adequately) is only accessible by experts and administrators of cucumis.org. Use it to submit your questions and suggestions. 2 The administrators of cucumis.org are experts with additional rights. They are usually experienced users of cucumis.org and you can trust their answers. Administrators1 Administrators' user names are written in red. 2 Administrators may have several rights and privileges. They can: - level 1 : Build and manage (edit/delete messages) one forum for one language. - level 2 : Accept/reject/edit/change language/delete target languages for all translations/all languages. They can do almost everything on cucumis, thus you can ask them to do the things you can't do. Administrators of level 2 and more are highlighted with this sign . Even if they can technically evaluate all languages, they usually still only evaluate the languages they are expert in. Even if a positive poll is shown about the translation meaning, don't evaluate translations if you are not an expert of the target language. - level 3 : Remove source languages (completely). - level 4 : Ban members, edit member profiles, give privileges, etc... Najnovije poruke
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