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Oversættelse - Latin-Engelsk - In M. Catone, judices, haec bona, quae videmus,...

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Denne tekst er tilgængelig på følgende sprog: LatinDanskEngelsk

In M. Catone, judices, haec bona, quae videmus,...
Tilmeldt af sus91
Sprog, der skal oversættes fra: Latin

In M. Catone, judices, haec bona, quae videmus, divina et egregia ipsius scitote esse propria. Quae nonnumquam requirimus, ea sunt omnia non a natura, verum a magistro.

You may know, judges, that these good things...

Oversat af Aneta B.
Sproget, der skal oversættes til: Engelsk

You may know, judges, that these good things we can see in M. Cato, divine and excellent ones, are typical of him. We often look for these, which don't come from nature but really from the teacher.
Bemærkninger til oversættelsen
"good things" or "good features"
"inspired" or "divine"
Senest valideret eller redigeret af lilian canale - 23 Oktober 2009 00:37

Sidste indlæg


21 Oktober 2009 22:35

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
good things (-) we can see...
typical of him
"We often look for them..." would sound better

21 Oktober 2009 23:16

Aneta B.
Antal indlæg: 4487
Lilly, I would change more in the sentence:

We often look for these ones--> These ones we often look for,(they) don't come from ...

Can it be like this?

21 Oktober 2009 23:26

lilian canale
Antal indlæg: 14972
So I suggest:
"We often look for these which don't come from nature..."

21 Oktober 2009 23:30

Aneta B.
Antal indlæg: 4487
Ok, Thank you!