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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - insanlara yardım etmeyi severim.Her girdiğim...

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Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: TurcAnglais

Catégorie Ecriture libre

insanlara yardım etmeyi severim.Her girdiğim...
Proposé par bank
Langue de départ: Turc

insanlara yardım etmeyi severim.Her girdiğim ortama uyarım.İnsanlarla aram iyidir.Çabuk arkadaş olurum.Sıcak kanlıyımdır.Yalan söyleyeni sevmem.Kendime özgüvenim var.Zor durumlarda kendimi savunurum.
Commentaires pour la traduction
american lehçesi

I like helping people. I adapt myself ...

Traduit par cheesecake
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

I like helping people. I adapt myself to all kind of environments I get into. I am on good terms with people. I make friends quickly. I am warm-blooded. I don't like people who lie. I have self-confidence. I defend myself in difficult situations.
Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 3 Avril 2009 01:08

Derniers messages


1 Avril 2009 00:41

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi cheesecake,
By "accommodate" , do you mean "adapt"?

a friend ---> friends
warmblooded ---> warm-blooded

"I defend myself in difficult situations."
Could that be: "I manage to solve difficult situations" or "I know how to handle difficult situations"?

1 Avril 2009 01:04

Nombre de messages: 980
Yes you are right "adapt" will suit better. But maybe I think it is better to use the word "defend" or something gives the close meaning at least, because "manage to solve" will be too much assertive and "knowing how to handle difficult situations" might be a kind of interpretation, according to the original.
What about "I protect myself..." ?

1 Avril 2009 01:05

Nombre de messages: 2132
Hi Lilian and Cheesecake,
I agree with you for "adapt" instead of "accomodate"

For the last sentence, what about : "I protect myself from bad situations"

1 Avril 2009 19:57

Nombre de messages: 980
Lilian, if you agree with our suggestion, I will edit my sentence

1 Avril 2009 22:13

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Kafetzou, again! Sorry for bothering you, but... would you mind giving your opinion or suggestion here?

CC: kafetzou

2 Avril 2009 05:59

Nombre de messages: 7963
I think everything's fine as it is right now, but the sentence "I don't like who lies" is incorrect in English. It should be "I don't like people who lie."

2 Avril 2009 12:50

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Thanks Kafetzou. To the poll!