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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - Açlık, ilaçların padişahıdır...

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Catégorie Mot - Société / Gens / Politique

Açlık, ilaçların padişahıdır...
Proposé par asilturk
Langue de départ: Turc

Açlık, ilaçların padişahıdır. Hekimler niye perhiz verir düşünsene.
Commentaires pour la traduction
Mevlana'nın sözü

Hunger is the Padishah...

Traduit par Mesud2991
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Hunger is the Padishah of medicines. Do think why doctors prescribe diets.
Commentaires pour la traduction
Padishah (highest ruler) of medicines: the best of all possible medicines
Dernière édition ou validation par Lein - 15 Novembre 2013 13:04

Derniers messages


7 Novembre 2013 16:11

Nombre de messages: 3389
Hi Mesud

It sounds like the Padishah is something that will disturb everything (the ruin of medications?). Is this something Turkish? Could we add an explanation in the Comments section?

7 Novembre 2013 17:08

Nombre de messages: 3769
Padishah or Sultan
Do think why doctors prescribe diets...> Think about why the doctors prescribe diets !

7 Novembre 2013 18:54

Nombre de messages: 1331
Hi Lein 😊

It means if there were a hierarchy of medicines, hunger would be the medicine ranking the highest (hunger is the best cure).

8 Novembre 2013 11:24

Nombre de messages: 3389
Ah, I see! Points subtracted (for me, not for you) for my abysmal interpretation and cultural knowledge...

Let me know if you agree with my comment!

8 Novembre 2013 21:43

Nombre de messages: 1331
Not at all. You are being unfair to yourself.

Yes, I agree 😊