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Lingua originale
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Lingua originale
Francese Etant donné l'état actuel de l'agriculture dans...
Etant donné l'état actuel de l'agriculture dans le monde, on sait qu'elle pourrait nourrir 12 milliards d'individus sans difficulté. Pour le dire autrement :
Tout enfant qui meurt actuellement de faim est, en réalité, assassiné.
Ces propos sont de Jean Ziegler, rapporteur de la commission des droits de l'homme de l'ONU pour le droit à l'alimentation.

Pas de mots ambigus, le texte est très clair...

Le 25/04, sortie du film "We feed the world"
avant propos à ce lien :

Traduzioni completate
Italiano Considerato lo stato attuale dell'agricoltura
Spagnolo Dado el estado actual de la agricultura en...
Greco Δεδομένης της σημερινής κατάστασης της γεωργίας
Inglese Given the current state of agriculture in the world ...
Portoghese brasiliano Considerando o estado presente da agricultura no...
Rumeno Fiind dată starea curentă a agriculturii în lume
Turco Açlık
Lingua originale
Inglese Warning, translation not yet evaluated
Warning, this translation has not been yet evaluated by an expert, it might be wrong!

Traduzioni completate
Italiano Attenzione, traduzione non ancora valutata
Esperanto Averto, traduko ankoraÅ­ ne taksita
Portoghese Atenção, tradução ainda não avaliada
Portoghese brasiliano Atenção, tradução ainda não avaliada
Francese Attention traduction non encore évaluée
Bulgaro Внимание, преводът все още не е оценен
Serbo Pažnja, prevod još uvek nije ocenjen
Ceco Pozor, překlad ještě nebyl ověřen
Danese Advarsel, oversættelse ikke evalueret
Greco Προσοχή, η μετάφραση δεν έχει ακόμη εκτιμηθεί
Croato Pozor - trenutno neocijenjeni prijevod
Cinese 請留意,本譯文未經審核
Giapponese 警告、この翻訳は評価されていない
Cinese semplificato 警告,译文未经评估
Rumeno Atenţie, traducerea nu a fost încă evaluată
Catalano atenció, aquesta traducció encara no ha estat avaluada
Spagnolo Cuidado, la traducción aún no ha sido evaluada.
Finlandese Varoitus
Ungherese Figyelem a forditàs még nem lett elbiràlva
Tedesco Achtung, Ãœbersetzung noch nicht ausgewertete
Russo Предупреждение: этот перевод еще не оценен
Arabo تحذير، لم يتم تقييم الترجمة
Turco Dikkat, çeviri henüz değerlendirilmemiştir
Olandese Opgepast: Deze vertaling is nog niet
Svedese Obs! Översättningen ej utvärderad
Ebraico אזהרה
Macedone Внимание , преводот сеуште не е отценет
Polacco Uwaga, tłumaczenie nie zostało jeszcze ocenione
Ucraino Увага
Lituano DÄ—mesio, vertimas dar nepatvirtintas
Bosniaco paznja prijevod jos uvijek nije ocijenjen
Albanese Vërejtje, përkthimi ende nuk është vlerësuar
Norvegese Obs! Oversettelsen er ikke...
Estone Hoiatus, see tõlge pole veel üle vaadatud..
Slovacco Pozor, preklad ešte nebol prekontrolovaný
Coreano 경고! 이 번역물은 아직 평가되지 않았습니다.
Bretone Diwallit
Frisone warschau, översetzung net överprooft
Latino Curate! Translatio nondum aestimata!
Faroese Ávaring, umseting ikki enn mett
Lettone Brīdinājums.
Klingon yIyep. ghItlhvam'e' mughlu'bogh wej chovlu'.
Islandese Aðvörun, þýðing ekki enn metin
Persiano اخطار، ترجمه هنوز بررسی نشده است
Curdo Miqate be,ev wergêriya hin ne rastkiriya
Indonesiano Perhatian, terjemahan belum dinilai!
Georgiano გაფრთხილება, თარგმანი არ არის ჯერ შეფასებული
Afrikaans Waarskuwing, vertaling is nog nie ge-evalueer nie
Irlandese Seachain, aistriú nach bhfúil luacháilte
Malese Amaran, terjemahan belum disahkan
Thailandese คำเตือน, คำแปลนี้ยังไม่ได้ถูกประเมิน
Urdu خبردار، ابھی تک ترجمہ کی تصدیق نہیں ھوئی
Vietnamita chú ý,lời dịch này vẫn chưa được định lượng
Azero Bu tercüme heleki giymetlendirilmeyib.
Tagalog Babala, ang pagsasalin ay hindi pa nakakalkula
10Lingua originale10
Inglese Report a problem
I would like an administrator to check this page
No dot at the end of the text.

Traduzioni completate
Portoghese gostava-administrador-verificação
Russo Сообщить о проблеме
Spagnolo Informa sobre una incidencia
Cinese semplificato 报错
Tedesco Ein Problem berichten
Polacco Zgłaszanie problemu
Rumeno Sesizarea unei probleme
Turco Sorun raporu
Svedese Angående ett problem
Italiano Segnala un problema
Finlandese Haluaisin, että järjestelmänvalvoja tarkistaisi tämän sivun
Croato Prijaviti problem
Ceco Nahlásit problém
Danese Indberet et problem
Catalano Assenyalar problema
Serbo Prijavite problem
Cinese 問題通報
Bulgaro Съобщение за проблем
Portoghese brasiliano Relatar um problema
Ucraino Сповістити про проблему
Olandese Ik wil graag een administrator hier naar laten kijken.
Greco Αναφορά προβλήματος
Arabo تقرير مشكلة
Esperanto Informi problemon
Ungherese Jelezni egy problémàt
Giapponese 問題の報告
Francese J'aimerais qu'un...
Ebraico ברצוני שמנהל המערכת יבדוק את עמוד זה.
Lituano Pranešti klaidą.
Bosniaco Prijaviti problem
Albanese Paraqit problemin
Norvegese Gjeldende et problem...
Estone Ma sooviksin, et administraator kontrolliks seda lehekülge
Slovacco Problém
Coreano 보고서 문제
Latino Reporta difficultatem
Lettone Lapas cenzūra
Klingon mujchugh vay', yIja'!
Islandese Tilkynntu vandamál
Persiano یک مشکل را گزارش دهید
Indonesiano Lapor masalah
Georgiano გვაცნობეთ შეფერხების შესახებ
Irlandese Chuir aon fhadhbh chun eolais
Afrikaans Rapporteer ʼn probleem
Malese Laporan masalah
Thailandese รายงานปัญหา
Vietnamita Báo lỗi
Azero Problemi raport ediniz
Lingua originale
Inglese A discussion on the translation
There is a discussion on this translation - please read it before evaluating.

Traduzioni completate
Portoghese Discussão-tradução-avaliação
Russo Обсуждение перевода
Spagnolo Una discución sobre la traducción
Cinese semplificato 附讨论译文
Tedesco Diskussion zur Ãœbersetzung
Polacco Dyskusja na temat tłumaczenia
Rumeno Comentarii asupra traducerii
Turco Bu çeviride bir tartisma var
Svedese Det finns en diskussion
Italiano Una discussione sulla traduzione
Finlandese Keskustelua käännöksestä
Croato Rasprava o prijevodu
Greco Συζήτηση σχετικά με τη μετάφραση
Ceco Diskuze k tomuto překladu
Danese En diskussion om oversættelsen
Catalano Hi ha una discussió sobre aquesta traducció.
Serbo Diskusija o prevodu
Cinese 譯文相關討論
Bulgaro Обсъждане на превод
Portoghese brasiliano Uma discussão na tradução
Ucraino Обговорення перекладу
Olandese Een discussie over de vertaling
Arabo مناقشة عن الترجمة
Esperanto Debato pri tradukon
Ungherese Vita a forditàsrol
Giapponese 翻訳に関する議論
Francese Une discussion à propos de la traduction.
Lituano DÄ—l Å¡io vertimo diskutuojama
Bosniaco postoji diskusija
Ebraico יש דיון על תרגום זה
Albanese Debat mbi përkthimin
Norvegese Det er en diskusjon...
Estone Selle tõlke üle käib vaidlus
Coreano 이 번역에 대한 토론
Latino Hic est disputatio de hac traductione
Slovacco Diskusia k tomuto prekladu
Lettone Tulkojuma apspriešana.
Klingon ghItlh'e' mughlu'bogh maja'chuq
Islandese Umræða um þýðinguna
Persiano بحثی در مورد ترجمه
Indonesiano Diskusi mengenai terjemahan
Georgiano თარგმანის განხილვა
Irlandese Tá díospóireacht ar an aistriúchán seo
Afrikaans ʼn Bespreking oor die vertaling
Malese Perbincangan mengenai perterjemahan
Thailandese มีการอภิปรายต่องานแปล
Hindi अनुवाद पर तर्क-वितर्क
Vietnamita một buổi thảo luận về dịch thuật
Azero Tercüme Müzakire'liktir.
Lingua originale
Inglese Automatically-translation-administrator.
This is the list of the number of characters needed to translate an English text of 100 characters to each language. These values determine the cost (number of points) of each text submitted. The values are automatically improved and upgraded each time a translation is accepted by an Expert or an Administrator.

Traduzioni completate
Esperanto aÅ­tomate-traduko-administranto
Francese Nécessaires-automatiquement-administrateur
Tedesco Automatisch-Ãœbersetzung-Administrator.
Catalano Automàticament-traducció-administrador
Spagnolo Automáticamente-traducción-administrador
Giapponese Automatically-translation-administrator.
Olandese Automatisch-vertaling-administrator.
Arabo آليا-ترجمة-اداري.
Turco Otomatikman - .çeviri - yönetici
Bulgaro Автоматичен - превод - администратор
Rumeno Automatic-traducere-administrator
Portoghese Administrador de tradução automática
Ebraico תרגום - אוטומטי - מנהל מערכת
Italiano Automatica-traduzione-amministratore
Russo Автоматически-перевод-администратор
Albanese Automatikisht-përkthim-administrator
Svedese Automatisk-översättning-admin
Finlandese Automaattisesti-käännös-valvoja
Serbo Automatski-prevod-administrator
Danese Automatisk-oversættelse-administrator.
Cinese semplificato 自动-翻译-管理员.
Greco Αυτόματα-μετάφραση-υπεύθυνος.
Croato Automatski-prevod-administrator
Cinese 所需點數-積分由管理員自動累加
Polacco Automatyczne-tłumaczenie-administrator
Inglese Automatically-translation-administrator
Ungherese Szükségesek-automatikusan-adminisztràtor
Norvegese Automatisk-oversettelse-administrator.
Coreano 자동적으로-번역-관리자
Ceco Automaticky-překlad-administrátorem
Persiano خودکار-ترجمه-مدیر
Portoghese brasiliano Esta é a lista do número de caracteres...
Slovacco Automatika - preklad- administrátor
Islandese Sjálfvirkur-þýðingar-kerfisstjóri
Ucraino Автоматично-переклад-адміністратор
Irlandese Uathoibríoch-aistriúchán-riarthóir
Afrikaans Outomaties-vertaal-administrateur
Hindi खुद ब खुद-अनुवाद-प्रशासक
Sloveno avtomatsko-prevod-administrator
Vietnamita Đây là danh sách
421Lingua originale421
Inglese Don´t say "I love you". Let me feel it!
Don´t say "I love you". Let me feel it!
Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti.

Traduzioni completate
Portoghese brasiliano Não fala "eu te amo" . Deixa-me sentir isto...
Serbo Nemoj mi reci "Volim te" Dozvoli mi da to osetim!
Rumeno Nu îmi spune "Te iubesc". Lasă-mă să o simt!
Turco Bana beni sevdiğini söyleme, bırak hissedeyim.
Arabo لا تقل "أحبّك". دعني أحسّ بذلك!
Greco Μη μου λες «Σ’ αγαπώ». Άσε με να το αισθανθώ!
Finlandese Älä sano: "Minä rakastan sinua". Anna minun tuntea se!
Tedesco Sag nicht "Ich liebe Dich". Lass es mich spüren!
Spagnolo No digas "te amo". ¡Déjame sentirlo!
Italiano Non dirmi "ti amo". Fammelo sentire!
Bulgaro Не казвай "Обичам те". Накарай ме да го почувствам!
Portoghese Não digas "eu amo-te". Deixa-me senti-lo.
Svedese Säg inte "Jag älskar dig". Låt mig känna det!
Francese Ne me dis pas "Je t'aime"... Laisse-moi le ressentir !
Olandese Zeg niet "ik hou van je". Laat me het voelen!
Danese Sig ikke "jeg elsker dig". Lad mig føle det!
Ucraino Не кажи "Я тебе кохаю". Дозволь мені відчути це!
Ungherese Ne mondd azt, hogy szeretsz. Hagyd, hogy érezzem!
Albanese Mos thuaj "Të dua". lejom ta ndjej te.
Polacco Nie mów "Kocham Cię". Pozwól mi to poczuć!
Bosniaco Nemoj mi reći "Volim te"...
Ebraico אל תגיד "אני אוהב אותך". תן לי להרגיש את זה!
Russo Не говори "Я тебя люблю". Дай мне почувствовать это!
Cinese semplificato 身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通
Latino Noli dicere "Ego te amo".
Indonesiano Jangan bilang "Aku cinta kamu". Biarkan aku merasakannya!
Esperanto Ne diru "mi amas vi".
Islandese Ekki segja "ég elska þig". Leyftu mér að finna það!
Catalano No diguis "t'estimo". Deixa'm sentir-ho!
Croato Nemoj mi reći "Volim te". Dozvoli mi da to osjetim!
Lituano Nesakyk "AÅ¡ tave myliu". Leisk man tai pajausti!
Norvegese Ikke si "jeg elsker deg". La meg føle det!
Frisone Sis net: "Ik hâld fan dy". Lit it my fiele!
Giapponese 愛してるって言わずに、感じさせて!
Slovacco Nehovor "milujem ťa". Nechaj ma cítiť to.
Ceco Neříkej "Miluji Tě". Nech mně to cítit.
Lettone Nesaki: "Es mīlu tevi". Ļauj man to sajust!
Persiano نگو "دوستت دارم". بگزار آن را احساس كنم!
Mongolo Би чамд хайртай
Bretone Na lavar ket din "da garout a ran"...
Cinese 身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通
Greco antico Μὴ εἴπῃς „Φιλῶ σε”. Ὀσφραίνεσθαι τοῦτο μοὶ ἐιπέ!
Giapponese 私に“君を愛してる”って言わないで、私に感じさせてくれ
Cinese 「我愛你」不是只掛在口頭上,要讓我感受到
Inglese Don't tell me "I love you", let me feel it.
Macedone Не вели "те сакам".Дозволи ми да почуствувам!
Lingua originale
Ceco Ahoj! Velký polibek mojí lásce
Ahoj! Velký polibek mojí lásce

Traduzioni completate
Inglese Hello! A big kiss for my love
Portoghese Olá! Beijão para meu amor
Lingua originale
Francese Pendant les vacances, ce samedi du premier...
Pendant les vacances, ce samedi du premier week-end, j’ai fêté mon anniversaire avec des copines et elles ont dormi chez moi.
Le dimanche, ont a fait une grande bataille d’eau.
Le lundi, j’ai été faire du vélo et je suis allée chez mon père.
Le mardi, je suis retournée chez ma mère et j’ai fait du vélo tout l’après-midi avec des copines.

Traduzioni completate
Inglese My holidays
Lingua originale
Le samedi, j’ai été chez mon père et je suis allée sur MSN.
Le dimanche, je me suis reposée.
La deuxième semaine, je suis allée au festival du jeu et j’ai fini mes devoirs.

Traduzioni completate
Lingua originale
Inglese I miss you guys! Hope to see you soon, Love ya.
I miss you guys! Hope to see you soon, Love ya.

Traduzioni completate
Danese Jeg savner jer allesammen
569Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".569
Inglese Each small candle
Not the torturer will scare me
Nor the body's final fall
Nor the barrels of death's rifles
Nor the shadows on the wall
Nor the night when to the ground
The last dim star of pain is hurled
But the blind indifference
Of a merciless unfeeling world

And each small candle
Lights a corner of the dark...
From a song by Roger Waters

Please keep sense and meaning, translations have not necessarily got to be as poetical (but if you have nice lyrical ideas, don't hesitate to use them).^^

Traduzioni completate
Tedesco Jede noch so kleine Kerze
Italiano Ogni piccola candela
Portoghese brasiliano Cada pequena vela
Portoghese Cada pequena vela
Turco Her küçük mum
Cinese 每盞小燭火
Francese Chaque petite bougie
Greco Κάθε μικρό κερί
Serbo Svaka mala sveća
Spagnolo Cada pequeña vela
Danese Hvert lille lys
Ungherese Minden kis gyertya
Cinese semplificato 每支细小的蜡烛
Arabo كلّ شمعة صغيرة
Ebraico כל נר קטן
Olandese Elke kleine kaars
Polacco Każda mała świeczka
Russo Каждая маленькая свечка
Ucraino Кожна маленька свічка
Bulgaro Всяка мъничка свещичка
Rumeno Fiecare mică lumânare
Albanese Çdo qiri i vogël
Svedese Varje litet ljus
Norvegese Hver litet lys
Finlandese Jokainen pieni kynttilä
Ceco Každá malá svíčka
Bosniaco Svaka mala svjeća
Croato Svaka mala svijeca
Persiano هر شمع کوچکی
Giapponese 小さなろうそくそれぞれが
Slovacco Každá sviečočka
Latino quisque candela quamvis sit parva
Coreano 각각의 작은 촛불
Lituano Kiekviena maža žvakelė
Klingon Hoch weQ mach
Lingua originale
Inglese Dear Sir or Madam,
Dear Sir or Madam,

With reference to EXIT fest and GREEN fest I am writing to inquire about the possibility for our media to attend and report the event.

"Slovesa" is the biggest Bulgarian art&culture web based magazine. We will
be pleased as well to publish promotion information about the festival.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Yours sincerely,
This is a letter which has to be written in formal language.

Traduzioni completate
Serbo Poštovani gospodine/gospodjo,
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