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Translation - Serbian-German - sms sms sms

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: SerbianEnglishGermanPolish

This translation request is "Meaning only".
sms sms sms
Submitted by przemozet01
Source language: Serbian

Htela bih da kazem Tebi mnogo i mnogo imam zalju da uradim, Ti znas sto "big buziak"! Ako Ti tako, ja mogu tako! Haha! Ipak vrlo me potezes!
Remarks about the translation

Rejected translation

Translated by anadeki
Target language: German

Würde dir vieles sagen, da es auch mein Wunsch ist. Du weißt weshalb "big buziak".
Wenn du es so meinst, dann kann ich anders. Ha ha. Trotz allem hast du mich sehr berührt.
Rejected by Bhatarsaigh - 1 July 2008 18:54

Latest messages


25 April 2008 16:33

Number of messages: 1335
I had some corrections... Please notice this site, which shows you all typical German characters (so you don't have to type "ue" for "ü" any longer).

26 April 2008 01:23

Number of messages: 6
hmm, "ako ti tak , ja mogu tako" bi ja prevela : " Ich kann es genau so wie du machen" A ovo "Ipak me vrlo potezes" - uopste ne razumijem kontekst!!!

11 May 2008 07:01

Number of messages: 35
Der erste Satz müsste lauten:
"Ich möchte Dir gerne vieles sagen und ich habe den Wunsch vieles zu tun, Du weißt was "big buziak"!".

12 May 2008 22:24

Number of messages: 930
I'm sorry if you already spoke about this, but I don't understand a single word in German

What does this "big buziak" means? (It definitely isn't Serbian) Also, it sounds very strange even in Serbian, I wonder how somebody could translate it further...

CC: Bubbamara28 preko

13 May 2008 06:44

Number of messages: 35
@ Roller-Coaster:

"Big Buziak" is perhaps a surname (I "googled" it!).

That´s the only meaning of the word "Buziak" known by me. I think, the Phrase is used like "Hey big Al`!".

You´re right, that it isn´t definitely Serbian.

Best regards,

13 May 2008 06:49

Number of messages: 1227
Hi guys,

if you allow me to interfere, the word 'buziak' is Polish and just means 'kiss'

24 June 2008 11:55

Number of messages: 168
Wo ist "and I want to do so much" ?
"...Dann kann ich auch ..."
viele Fehler!

24 June 2008 11:58

Number of messages: 3389
The text is rather different from the English one but I'm afraid I can't read serbian so ignore me if you think the English translation is wrong.

I agree with Preko on the first sentence:

'I want to do so much' -> Ich möchte so viel tun
'You know what -> Du weißt was
'I also can -> dann kann ich es auch so (? not sure about 'so')

24 June 2008 13:43

Number of messages: 4611
Trotz allem hast du micht sehr berührt" ist not the real translation of: "you are pushing me.

24 June 2008 20:07

Number of messages: 332
I would say "dann kann ich auch" instead of "anders", which is a completely different meaning. And the last sentence seems wrong too.

24 June 2008 20:25

Number of messages: 3769
Garret hat recht.