The author of this text didn't know, how to use the german letters "ä,ö,ü,ß" ??
Correction-request by me - but I cannot do:
"Komm, wir saufen uns das Spiel schon". (incorrect german, but I don't understand the meaning right)
"Wenn die so spielen würden, wie wir trinken, wären wir längst Weltmeister".
"Na, dann laß uns schon mal auf den Sieg anstossen".
Also into portuguese I could it translate, but its missing the permission.
I'll help someone by giving here my suggestion:
"Vem, nós bebemos já ao jogo".
"Se eles jogassem igual nós bebemos, nós iriamos ser o campeão mundial".
"Assim deixa-nos já brindar á vitória".