No lakavejsie je urcite byt niekde na Paname, dakych peknych par dni stravenych s tebou na slniecku a pri vode ... no sa uz len pise tazko o tom. Mozes verit ze keby padla daka vyhra na slovenku a bol by som to ja, tak prve by bolo asi dovolenka na Paname. No snivat mozeme, horsie je to s realitou :)
However, it is more tempting to be somewhere in Panama, for some nice days spent with you in the sun by the sea.... it is even hard to write about it! You can believe me, if there was a prize winning game in Slovenka and I had won, the first thing would be a holiday in Panama. We can dream about it, the reality is worse. :)
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur dramati - 9 December 2007 15:07