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Translation - Lithuanian-Italian - Hi meilės atsiprašau aš negaliu su ...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: LithuanianItalian

Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Hi meilės atsiprašau aš negaliu su ...
Submitted by gioplast
Source language: Lithuanian

Hi meilės atsiprašau aš negaliu su jumis dabar! dievina kalbėti su jumis

Ciao amores...

Translated by Dzuljeta
Target language: Italian

Ciao amori,
mi spiace, per adesso non posso parlare con voi! Adoro parlare con voi!
Remarks about the translation
1) The original text wasn't grammatically correct - the word "kalbÄ—ti" [parlare] is left out, "dievina" is in 3rd person singular and it should be "dievinu" - adoro
2) I translated the English "Hi" as Italian "Ciao" since this text has to be translated to Italian;
3) "MeilÄ—s" stands for "amore" in plural
Validated by ali84 - 16 February 2009 19:24