Umseting - Finskt-Enskt - terveyskeskusNúverðandi støða Umseting
Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum:  
Bólkur Setningur - Heilsa / Heilivágur  Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining". | | | Uppruna mál: Finskt
terveyskeskuksessa on paljon sairaita, he tarvitsevat hoitoa |
| | | Ynskt mál: Enskt
there are a lot of sick people in the health center, they need nursing |
Síðstu boð | | | | | 10 Juni 2008 15:58 | | | Sirkka, tarkoitatko terveyskeskuksen vuodeosastolla vai terveyskeskuksessa esim. odottamassa lääkärin vastaanottoaikaa???
Asked the submitter if she means to say the people are at the centre waiting for their appointment with the doctor (then I would say "they need health care" perhaps) - or if the people are admitted to the centre to be nursed there for some time. |