Cucumis - Ókeypis álinju umsetingar tænasta
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Umseting - Turkiskt-Enskt - bu aralar UT'a üye olmaya çalışıyorum ama sanırım...

Núverðandi støðaUmseting
Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum: TurkisktEnskt

bu aralar UT'a üye olmaya çalışıyorum ama sanırım...
Framborið av koreci
Uppruna mál: Turkiskt

bu aralar UT'a üye olmaya çalışıyorum.sanırım üye olamayacağım.çünkü KSSN'ye ihtiyacım var.

In recent times I've...

Umsett av ekızılok
Ynskt mál: Enskt

In recent times, I've been trying to become a member of UT. I think I am not able to do so, because I need KSSN.
Góðkent av Lein - 19 August 2011 12:59

Síðstu boð

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17 August 2011 14:21

Tal av boðum: 3769
I've been trying to become ...>I am trying to become ...

18 August 2011 14:35

Tal av boðum: 38
I guess I wouldn't be able to do it

18 August 2011 16:52

Tal av boðum: 11
Gelecek söz konusu olduğunda "would" kullanımı çok yaygın değil.

18 August 2011 20:45

Tal av boðum: 1331
Hi ekızılok,

Please comment in English to help the expert who set the poll. Some experts can't speak Turkish at all.

19 August 2011 12:58

Tal av boðum: 3389
Thank you all!
- after 'in recent times', an English sentence needs past tense, not present tense. By using 'I have been trying', you sort of convey that it may still be going on. Therefore, I will leave the translation as it is.
- 'I wouldn't be able to do it' feels like it should be followed by something like 'if I wanted to'. In this case, it is clear that the person does want to, so the original translation (I am not able to do so) sounds better.

I will accept this as it is. Thanks for your input!