Jag har själv varit en del i Italien och uppskattar all er kultur, mat och vin.Jag tycker vi har det trevligt på torsdagskvällarna med smörgås och kaffe. Det blir nog jobbigt för dig att läsa alla brev så nu avslutar jag mitt.
I have been to Italy quite a few times myself and appreciate all of your culture, food, and wine. I think that we enjoy ourselves on Thursday nights with sandwiches and coffee. It will probably be hard for you to read all the letters, so I am going to finish mine now.
Anmärkningar avseende översättningen
I have translated "smörgås" according to Casper's Swedish expertise.
Senast granskad eller redigerad av lilian canale - 8 November 2009 19:55
It doesn't say "..this one now" Lilian. The meaning is more like "..my (letter) now". I still think the first part of jairhaas translation is right, but there's a missing "now" at the end.
But... you are the English expert, and if one can't write that way, your suggestion is fine.