If you send özge Can a message, she will be able to see your profile for one month. To limit what can be seen by people you poke or message, change your privacy settings.
Eğer Özge Can'a mesaj gönderirsen, o senin profilini bir ay boyunca görebilecek. Dürttüğün veya mesaj attığın kişiler tarafından görülebilenleri sınırlamak için, gizlilik ayarlarını değiştir.
Poznámky k prekladu
I know "poke" is "dürtmek".. but, since it is strange,I hadn't used it.But now, I have changed it as you want..
Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané smy - 22 januára 2008 17:05
To poke someone in this context is just like saying "Hey there!" or "hi!"
and literally I think it means to pat someone with you finger to get his attention.
Not pat - it's to stick your finger lightly into their skin. It's not very polite, but people do it to get another person's attention. That's the meaning on Facebook.