Amiga querida!!! Te adoro demais viu?! Tu viu esse negócio de letras?! Amei!!! só quero ver se dá para traduzir na hora de ler hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Bjusssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Poznámky k prekladu
a "tradução" pedida deste texto consiste apenas em uma transliteração do alfabeto devnagari para o nosso alfabeto.
Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané cucumis - 18 mája 2008 16:11
Tathiana has found that the original text is just Portuguese written in Devenagari script. This is the kind of request we normally reject, but she did her work.
we could give her the points she earned but still reject the translation, just in order to remove this request, as this is not sanskrit, and we cannot keep this as if it was Sanskrit in the databank from
Is it fair enough?