När du ringer till 118 888 Autosvar behöver du veta vilket telefonnumer abonnenten har. När du har knappat in telefonnumret läses namn, gatu- och postadress upp.
When you call 118 888 Auto-response you need to know the subscriber's phone number. Once you have keyed in the phone number, the name, street and the postal address will be heard.
Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané lilian canale - 16 februára 2009 20:21
När du ringer till 118 888 Autosvar behöver du veta vilket telefonnumer abonnenten har. När du har knappat in telefonnumret läses namn, gatu- och postadress upp.
When you call 118 888 Auto-response you must know the subscriber's phone number. Once you have keyed in the phone number you state the name, street and the postal address.
(depending on the sense:
Once you have keyed in the phone number the name, street and the postal address will be read to you.)
in the last sentence the translator wrote that the person that calls to 118888 says the street name when you actually get the street name etc. And I would have used other words, need instead of must , i wouldn´t have used teh word keyed