bok, rado cu biti tvoja prijateljica, volim upoznavati nove ljude. moj san je otputovati u Ameriku, ali prije toga zelim nauciti engleski jezik. Zelis li ti nauciti hrvatski jezik, dali si ikada bila u hrvatskoj?
Hi, I will gladly be your friend, I love meeting new people. My dream is to go to America, but first I want to learn English. Would you like to learn Croatian, have you ever been to Croatia?
Ilisahihishwa au kuhaririwa mwisho na IanMegill2 - 19 Februari 2008 02:44
I thinsk that the beginning of the sentence should be as it follows: "Hi, I will gladly become your friend..."
The post seems to be a response to someone's invitation to pen-pal friendship...