Tafsiri - Kimasedoni-Kiingereza - Utre otvnreni se prodavnici iline ?Hali kwa sasa Tafsiri
Nakala hii inapatikana katika lugha zifuatazo:
Category Chat - Daily life Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake". | Utre otvnreni se prodavnici iline ? | Nakala Tafsiri iliombwa na kuki75 | Lugha ya kimaumbile: Kimasedoni
Utre otvnreni se prodavnici iline ? | | That was question from one woman to another. The spelling might not be accurate, but that how the question sound. |
| | TafsiriKiingereza Ilitafsiriwa na fikomix | Lugha inayolengwa: Kiingereza
Are the shops open tomorrow or not? |
Ilisahihishwa au kuhaririwa mwisho na lilian canale - 29 Januari 2010 13:16
Ujumbe wa hivi karibuni | | | | | 27 Januari 2010 17:10 | | | Fiko, I think "iline" isn't a female name. It looks like it means "or not". | | | 29 Januari 2010 01:28 | | | Are the shops open tomorrow or not? | | | 1 Februari 2010 16:18 | | | Yes maki, you are right. Thanks a lot
iline- ili ne |