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Tłumaczenie - Portugalski brazylijski-Angielski - Diz que nos distanciarmos foi o correto mas meu...

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Diz que nos distanciarmos foi o correto mas meu...
Wprowadzone przez Alkmim
Język źródłowy: Portugalski brazylijski

Você diz que nos distanciarmos foi o correto mas meu coração recusa e chora por tal explicação.
A distância para quem ama é o mesmo que a morte.

Taking a relationship break

Tłumaczone przez Angelus
Język docelowy: Angielski

You say that taking a break was the right thing but my heart denies it and cries for an explanation.
Distance for those who love is the same as death.
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez kafetzou - 22 Wrzesień 2007 22:59

Ostatni Post


22 Wrzesień 2007 14:54

Liczba postów: 7963
I took out "the" before "distance" and changed "refuses" to "denies", but I couldn't figure out how to fix "for such explanation" - what is it supposed to mean?

22 Wrzesień 2007 22:52

Liczba postów: 1227
Hello kafetzou
I think her heart or her feelings want an explanation of why her boyfriend or fiance decided to take a break. That's why it "cries for such explanation" or it "cries for an explanation"


22 Wrzesień 2007 22:58

Liczba postów: 7963
Thanks, Angelus - it's better without "such", which sounds like it's referring to an explanation that has already been given.