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Tradução - Hebraico-Inglês - מירבלה שלום! אני מבקש לדעת האם יש סחורה...

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מירבלה שלום! אני מבקש לדעת האם יש סחורה...
Língua de origem: Hebraico

מירבלה שלום!

אני מבקש לדעת האם יש סחורה לפינוי? מה הכמות? מתי אפשר לשלוח אותה?
המשלוח האחרון דרך חברת הספנות MSC - האנייה עדין לא הגיעה לישראל.
ברצוני לדעת האם אפשר לשלוח בהובלה יבשתית מכולה לנמל קונסטנסה עם ספק אחר ומה מחיר ההובלה.

ממתין לתשובותייך

Notas sobre a tradução
מדובר בייבוא משלוח מכולות עם חומרי גלם פלסטיים לארץ ישראל ע"י ספק ברומניה.

Shalom Mirbella! I want to know, are there goods ...

Traduzido por C.K.
Língua alvo: Inglês

Shalom Mirbella!

I would like to know, are there goods that need to be removed? What is the quantity? When is it possible to send it?
Last delivery by the shipping company MSC – the ship hasn't arrived to Israel yet.
I would like to know: is it possible to send by continental container transport to the Constanza Port with another supplier? and...What is the shipping price?

Waiting for your answer

Última validação ou edição por lilian canale - 10 Outubro 2008 21:17

Última Mensagem


27 Setembro 2008 20:01

Número de mensagens: 972
several small mistakes in translation into English. Emptied should read removed. Portge should be shipping. A little more accuracy and I would allow it, but as it is, unless we are only going for a most general meaning, not acceptable.

28 Setembro 2008 09:12

Número de mensagens: 173
It's done

30 Setembro 2008 12:22

Número de mensagens: 212
Just a small detail:
"I would like to know, IF IT'S possible to send..."

30 Setembro 2008 12:25

Número de mensagens: 212
Just a few small details:
"I would like to know, IF IT'S possible to send..." and "Waiting FOR YOUR REPLY" is better that waiting your answer, "waiting for" is the correct verb and pronoun form