Tom, you are the fucking most perfect man I have ever seen!! Bill, I kinda fell in love with your hair and your clothes and your so-perfect body! (Tom, don't take it personally: I'm sure underneath all those clothes hides a body as perfect as your brother's - if not more).
Notas sobre a tradução
It is written in a very brutal language, so I tried to keep it in the translation too.
Último validado ou editado por IanMegill2 - 10 Novembro 2007 03:43
Original form of translation before editing:
Tom? You are the most "fucking" perfect man I have ever seen!!
Bill? I kinda fell in love with your hair and your cloths and your so perfect body! (Tom, don't take it personaly, I'm sure underneath all these cloths hides aperfect body as your brother's - if not more).