Yokuş başına geldiğinde bodrumu göreceksin. Zannetmeki geldiğin gibi döneceksin. Senden evvelkilerde öyle dediler. Ama akıllarını hep burada bırakıp gittiler.
When you come to the top of the slope, you will see Bodrum ...
When you come to the top of the slope, you will see Bodrum. Don't think you'll return the same as you came. Those that came before you said that, too. But they always left their minds here when they went away.
Darrera validació o edició per samanthalee - 13 Juliol 2007 01:08
"Those that came before you said that, too." un karşılığı "senden önce gelenlerde aynısını söylemişlerdi" olursa anlatımdaki akıcılık kaybolmaz bence.
Sorry for the long absence. I mentioned sinister because the idea that they "left their minds here when they went away", seems to suggest they returned as a zombie, without their own mind.