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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - Sevgim sana özel ve saf'tır..!!

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Sevgim sana özel ve saf'tır..!!
Proposé par mireia
Langue de départ: Turc

Sevgim sana özel ve saf'tır..!!

My love is special and pure for only you...

Traduit par sirinler
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

My love is special and pure for only you...
Commentaires pour la traduction
Dernière édition ou validation par dramati - 2 Janvier 2008 04:42

Derniers messages


1 Janvier 2008 17:58

Nombre de messages: 2118
Buradaki özel kelimesi bence 'sadece senin için, sana has' anlamında kullanılmış. private kelimesi 'özel' anlamını taşıyor ama gizlilik veya kişisellik anlamındaki 'özel'liği ifade ediyor bence. umarım ne demek istediğimi açıklayabilmişimdir.

private means 'hiden or personal' but in the source text the word 'özel' is used for another meaning like 'devoting (one's attention or self)entirely to a particular person'. that is my opinion of course.


1 Janvier 2008 19:12

Nombre de messages: 7963
special? personal?

1 Janvier 2008 20:32

Nombre de messages: 2118
Sirinler you changed the word, but my comment may not be correct. ıf you had waited for the others' comments and had seen whether my comment was correct or not, that would have been more better, ı guess.

btw, Kafetzou, ı cant understand what you mean??

1 Janvier 2008 20:45

Nombre de messages: 7963
Hi handyy

I was giving suggestions for "özel". I think it's fine now and I'll change my vote.

1 Janvier 2008 20:51

Nombre de messages: 2118
ohh ok.

for me, 'special' is better than 'private', too.

have a nice day. ( now ı know that it is day over there )

1 Janvier 2008 21:04

Nombre de messages: 7963
Yes - it's 2:15 in the afternoon (14:15).