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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - Kesinlikle çok haklısın.

Etat courantTraduction
Ce texte est disponible dans les langues suivantes: TurcAnglais

Kesinlikle çok haklısın.
Proposé par SEMRA KILIÇ
Langue de départ: Turc

Kesinlikle çok haklısın.Çok çalışmam gerektiğini pek çok noktada eksik olduğumu biliyorum, farkındayım...ama telafi edicem.Ben kendime inanıyorum.....
yapabileceğime inanıyorum..
Lütfen sende bana inan...

21 haziranda görüşmek dileği ile....

kendinize iyi bakın :)

Sevgi ve saygılarımla

Of course you are so right. I know ...

Traduit par yunatan
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Of course you are so right. I know that I have to work very hard and I am very clumsy in many other things; I am aware of it... ... but I’ll make it good. I believe in myself....
I believe, that I can...
Please, you believe me too...

Hope to meet you on June 21th...

Take care of yourself :)

Love and regards
Dernière édition ou validation par handyy - 12 Juin 2009 12:58

Derniers messages


10 Juin 2009 14:24

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Handyy, could you evaluate this one, please?

Thanks in advance

CC: handyy

12 Juin 2009 12:18

Nombre de messages: 2118
Hi Lilian, this needs a few edits:

Of course, you are so right. I know that I have to work very hard and I am very clumsy in many other things; I am aware of it... I’ll make it good. I believe in myself....
I believe, that I can...
Please, you believe me too...
Hope to meet/see you on June 21th...
Take care of yourself 
Love and regards

12 Juin 2009 12:23

Nombre de messages: 2118
May I validate it if everything is OK for you, too?

CC: lilian canale

12 Juin 2009 12:33

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Go ahead!

12 Juin 2009 12:59

Nombre de messages: 2118