There are sufficient ways and various ideas to capitalize on the Internet, earning from small to very large amounts of money. Whether you make only a little or very much money depends (except for the originality of your idea) on what everyone likes to do, and on how much desire you have to deal seriously with this. Every idea, as good as it can be, is not going to be profitable at all, if you don't take it seriously.
הערות לגבי התרגום
to turn to profit - capitalize - develop the internet
אושר לאחרונה ע"י IanMegill2 - 10 אוקטובר 2007 13:05
Because this translation was for "Meaning Only," it would be unfair to reject this translation on the basis of its English, I should think, so I revised the English and put it to a poll for the meaning of the source text.