Şi orice duh care nu mărturiseşte pe Iisus Hristos venit în trup, nu este de la Dumnezeu, ci este duhul lui Antihrist, de a cărui venire aţi auzit şi care chiar este în lume acum.
It has been quite confusing, but let me try:
"And any spirit who does not accept Jesus Christ , is not from God, is the spirit of Antichrist. Of whose coming you have heard and whom is really on Earth now."
There is a part there "nu marturiseste pe Isus Cristos venit in trup " which would be translate word-by-word: "who does not accept Jesus Christ came in flesh" or something aproximatively. It's difficult to translate it exactly, because I do not know so well the relligious terms and expressions and, to be honest, I am not 100% sure I understand that phrase even in my own language.