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Prevođenje - Švedski-Engleski - Alla projekt jag arbetat i som testare eller...

Trenutni statusPrevođenje
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: ŠvedskiEngleski

Ovaj zahtjev za prijevodom traži "Samo značenje".
Alla projekt jag arbetat i som testare eller...
Poslao r_saiyad
Izvorni jezik: Švedski

Alla projekt jag arbetat i som testare eller testledare har varit ytterst tidskritiska och det har lett till en förståelse för vikten av att leverera utlovad kvalitet på tid.I arbetet som testledare har jag lärt mig att tyda funktionella och icke funktionella krav och ifrån dessa utforma testfall för att verifiera dessa.Jag trivs i utvecklande och kreativa miljöer, gärna med varierande arbetsuppgifter. Fungerar mycket bra i grupp och har väl utvecklad social kompetens.
Primjedbe o prijevodu
Jag håller på skriva min jobbansökan på engelska. Jag skulle vara tacksam om ni kan översätta min text ovan till engelska.



All projects I've been working with as a tester or

Preveo pias
Ciljni jezik: Engleski

All projects I've been working with as a tester or as a test leader have been extremely short deadlines and that has led to the understanding of the importance of delivering the promised quality on time. As a tester I've learnt to interpret functional and non-functional demands and on that basis, developing test cases to verify them. I enjoy developing and creative environments and appreciate varied tasks. I get along very well in a group and have well developed social skills.
Posljednji potvrdio i uredio lilian canale - 6 srpanj 2009 11:34

Najnovije poruke


5 srpanj 2009 08:36

lilian canale
Broj poruka: 14972
Hi Pia,
I've made a few adjustments. Tell me if you agree.

5 srpanj 2009 09:32

Broj poruka: 8113
Thanks Lilian, I agree!

5 srpanj 2009 17:09

Broj poruka: 1
"tidskritisk" is not the same as timeconsuming. But rather expresses the lack of time to do the job wich the alatter part of the sentence referes to "delivering" on time. I believe the correct grammer in the sentence "not functional" should be non functional demands". However a good translation.

5 srpanj 2009 17:49

Broj poruka: 8113
Thanks Nanbudo!

Lilian, may I edit --> time-critical ?

5 srpanj 2009 18:38

lilian canale
Broj poruka: 14972
"time-critical" doesn't work.
Maybe: "have had rigorous deadlines"?

5 srpanj 2009 18:50

Broj poruka: 8113
Yes, I think that's good, thanks Lilian! "tidskritisk" means (as Nanbudo explained) not much time to have the job done.

5 srpanj 2009 18:52

lilian canale
Broj poruka: 14972
You can also use "extremely short deadlines"

5 srpanj 2009 19:05

Broj poruka: 8113
I like your last proposal