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Перевод - Иврит-Английский - למה כדאי שתבחרו בי

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למה כדאי שתבחרו בי
Добавлено IMORYI4
Язык, с которого нужно перевести: Иврит

תמיד אומרים לי שאני יפה ושאני צריכה לדגמן
והאמת שאני כרגע נפגשת עם סוכנות אבל רציתי לבדוק עוד אופציות לפני , שאני חותמת על חוזה, וחוץ מזה אני גם שרה ומשחקת, אז זה יתרון בתחום הזה
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זה לסוכנות דוגמנות אז זה צריך להיות מתורגם באנגלית טובה

Why is it better to choose me?

Перевод сделан C.K.
Язык, на который нужно перевести: Английский

People always say I'm beautiful and that I should be a model.
In fact I'm currently having interviews with some agents, but I would like to check other options before signing a contract. Moreover, I also sing and act, which is an advantage in this field.
Последнее изменение было внесено пользователем lilian canale - 25 Сентябрь 2008 17:44

Последнее сообщение


21 Сентябрь 2008 09:27

Кол-во сообщений: 173
Goodmorning lilian,

The title of this translation says: "למה כדאי שתבחרו בי" which is: "Why it is better to choose me"

I noticed that you edited the title into "a model" is there a reason?

24 Сентябрь 2008 02:06

Кол-во сообщений: 11
it´s not agents, it´s agency. and you haven´t translated the title, its: Why is it worth-while that you choose me

24 Сентябрь 2008 02:18

lilian canale
Кол-во сообщений: 14972
Hi C.K,

The title is not part of the translation unless the requester includes it within the translation field. You had left the title in Hebrew and that had to be changed. Since I didn't know the correct translation for the line, I just changed it to the subject of the translation. That's a regular procedure.

24 Сентябрь 2008 08:52

Кол-во сообщений: 173
At first, I did put a title then after couple of days it disappeared, that's why I asked!

Now it is complete, I guess.

25 Сентябрь 2008 16:58

lilian canale
Кол-во сообщений: 14972
Hi C.K,

If you want to translate the title, please do it correctly, OK? There's an inversion there.