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Dịch - Romanian-English - chiar dacă soarta ne va despărÈ›i iubirea noastră...

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chiar dacă soarta ne va despărți iubirea noastră...
Submitted by sorinica
Source language: Romanian

chiar dacă soarta ne va despărți iubirea noastră va rămâne mereu scrisă într-o stea

Even if destiny separates us, our ...

Translated by Ionut Andrei
Target language: English

Even if destiny separates us, our love will always remain written in the stars.
Validated by lilian canale - 17 Tháng 3 2010 14:34

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15 Tháng 3 2010 18:57

Tổng số bài gửi: 1910
Little doubt about "written on a star". In Romanian is "written in a star" actually. I know that the saying "it's written in the stars" is known and used in English.

17 Tháng 3 2010 11:18

Tổng số bài gửi: 2
the usual expression in English is "written in the stars"