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Dịch - Turkish-English - Uzak DoÄŸunun farklı bir saygı anlayışı var. Bazen...

Current statusDịch
This text is available in the following languages: TurkishEnglish

This translation request is "Meaning only".
Uzak Doğunun farklı bir saygı anlayışı var. Bazen...
Submitted by berk_S91
Source language: Turkish

Uzak Doğunun farklı bir saygı anlayışı var.Bazen gerçekten yanlış anlaşılmaktan korkuyorum.Çünkü, bana göre normal olan, sizin için saygısızlık sayılabilir.Lütfen kızmadan önce, bir yabancı olduğumu hatırlayın.

The Far East has different understanding of...

Translated by Mesud2991
Target language: English

The Far East has a different understanding of respect. Sometimes I'm really afraid of being misunderstood. Because what is okay for me might be counted as disrespectful by you. Before getting angry, please remember that I'm foreign.
Validated by Lein - 26 Tháng 9 2011 15:39

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24 Tháng 9 2011 20:59

Tổng số bài gửi: 2118
Just one thing:

Sometimes I'm really afraid of misunderstanding --> Sometimes I'm really afraid of being misunderstood.

26 Tháng 9 2011 12:47

Tổng số bài gửi: 3389
Oops! That rather changes the meaning of the sentence! Rollingmaster, do you agree with handyy?

I'm really afraid of misunderstanding -> I am afraid I (will) misunderstand
I'm really afraid of being misunderstood -> I am afraid others will misunderstand me

Thanks handyy! This is why I didn't want to evaluate based only on the opinions of two members who are quite new and whom I didn't know yet

26 Tháng 9 2011 15:33

Tổng số bài gửi: 1331
I agree with handyy, it must be passive.

26 Tháng 9 2011 15:40

Tổng số bài gửi: 3389
Thanks! Validated.