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Translation - Brasiliaanse Portugees-Latyn - O verdadeiro guerreiro nunca se acovarda, é o...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: Brasiliaanse PortugeesLatyn

Category Thoughts - Daily life

O verdadeiro guerreiro nunca se acovarda, é o...
Submitted by joao pedro
Source language: Brasiliaanse Portugees

O verdadeiro guerreiro nunca se acovarda,
é o senhor do seu próprio destino,
anda sempre com a cabeça erguida.
Remarks about the translation
Single words removed. <Lilian>

Bellator verus numquam timet,

Translated by Efylove
Target language: Latyn

Bellator verus numquam exterret,
dominus sui ipsius fati est,
caput sursum semper tenet.
Remarks about the translation
Bridge by Lilian:
"The real warrior never becomes frightened,
he is the master of his own destiny,
he always keeps his head up."
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur Aneta B. - 25 September 2010 23:09