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Original text - Maķedoniski - Убава си, ама не верувам во љубовта

Current statusOriginal text
This text is available in the following languages: MaķedoniskiFrench

Category Sentence

Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Убава си, ама не верувам во љубовта
Text to be translated
Submitted by kisskoolbbq
Source language: Maķedoniski

Убава си, ама не верувам во љубовта

Remarks about the translation
Before edit : "ubava si ama ne
verumam vo ljubovta" <edit></edit>(05/12/francky, thanks to Galka who posted the version in cyrillic)
Edited by Francky5591 - 12 May 2010 21:12

Last messages


11 May 2010 22:45

Number of messages: 12396
Hi Galka!

Please could you provide us with a version in cyrillic from this source-text?

Thanks a lot!

CC: galka

12 May 2010 20:05

Number of messages: 567
My pleasure

„Убава си, ама не верувам во љубовта.“

12 May 2010 21:13

Number of messages: 12396