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Translation - English-Turkish - Your email has address has been rejected as we do...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: EnglishTurkish

Category Explanations - Computers / Internet

This translation request is "Meaning only".
Your email has address has been rejected as we do...
Submitted by seroquel
Source language: English

Your email has address has been rejected as we do not accept registrations from publicly available email domains (e.g. gmail, yahoo, hotmail etc).

Emailiniz bizim kaydını kabul etmediğimiz...

Translated by senemtas_mt
Target language: Turkish

Genel kullanıma açık e-mail alanlarından (gmail, yahoo, hotmail vs. gibi) yapılan kayıtları kabul etmediğimiz için e-mail adresiniz reddedilmiştir.
Remarks about the translation
"Your email has address" kelimesindeki "has" fazlalıktır
Validated by smy - 1 January 2008 15:28

Last messages


1 January 2008 15:27

Number of messages: 2481
I've edited and validated your translations senemtas_mt, it was as follows before the edits:
Emailiniz bizim kaydını kabul etmediğimiz halk tarafından kullanılabilen email alanlarından (örneğin gmail, yahoo, hotmail vs.) olduğundan reddedilmiştir.
it's for you to see your mistakes and to be more careful next time

2 January 2008 20:58

Number of messages: 40
thanks smy