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Translation - Romanian-English - Omule, fii bun ca albina, Curat ca ceara Şi blând...

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Category Free writing - Education

Omule, fii bun ca albina, Curat ca ceara Şi blând...
Submitted by megadeth.girl
Source language: Romanian

Omule, fii bun ca mierea,
Curat ca ceara
Şi blând ca albina.
Remarks about the translation
Am nevoie de traducere in aceste limbi va rog sa ma ajutati, am incercat pe google translate dar traduce mot-a-mot si nu stiu daca este si corect. Va raman datoare. Help?!

You Man, be good like...

Translated by Tzicu-Sem
Target language: English

Man, be good like honey,
Pure like wax,
And gentle like a bee.
Remarks about the translation
The word "curat" means "clean" but I don't find that it fits the context well; we usually refer to a human person as being 'pure' (of heart - as the source text suggests it).
I used capital letter for 'man' as it refers to the human being in general and not the man as the male human.
Validated by lilian canale - 28 April 2010 19:08

Last messages


28 April 2010 18:06

Number of messages: 1910
I think it doesn't need "my" in front of "man". It's smth general, not regarding anyone's man and not precisely about a man, just a human being and how he/she should be.

28 April 2010 18:31

Number of messages: 238
Omule = the man (l'homme)
Man, be good like honey,'s good for me