ailem ile mutlu olmak istiyorum.Sadece bize ait bir evimiz olsun.alt katında oturma odası,mutFak,çalışma odası üst katlarda ise üç tane yatak odası olsun .altkatta da üstkatta da lavobo olsun.
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
bunu çevirmenizi isteme amacım aileme türkçe söyleyemediklerimi ingilizce olarak söylemek.
I want to be happy with my family. May we have a home that only belongs to us, and may it have a living room, a kitchen, a study room downstairs and three bedrooms upstairs and toilets both downstairs and upstairs.
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von lilian canale - 5 Dezember 2008 13:33
I want to be happy with my family. May we have a home that only belongs to us, and which has a living room, a kitchen, a study room downstairs and three bedrooms upstairs and toilets both downstairs and upstairs.
Yes, but that sounds really weird in English.
It should be "...may there be there a living room..."
See what I mean? We need another "there" there or at the end of the line. You know that sometimes we have to adapt the wording a little to sound more natural.
Another option would be:
"may it have..."