Dragons Terror keen on hunting Perambulated the Baniei woods with difficulty The starved Oltenians waylaid him all the time.
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
Dragons Terror is a name of a fairy tale character, Baniei is the name of the woods and Oltenians are the inhabitants of the Romanian province Oltenia.
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von lilian canale - 27 Februar 2009 19:55
Lilly, I have no comments on this translation. My vote is: the translation is correct. The only reason why I am writing here is to see if you get this comment. Apparently my comments on translations, when asked help evaluating, do not reach the Evaluator. So this is ONLY a test
Thank you for your understanding.
P.S. Would you be so kind and write me just an "OK" in a private message so that I know this comment reached you.
Hi Tzicu, please, turn your vote into "correct" if you think there's nothing to improve in this translation. Just click on "cancel" and vote "correct", OK?
Buna ziua, Va multumesc pentru traducere. Din pacate nu stiu cum sa fac rost de puncte ca "poemul" mue e f. lung, si aceasta traducere nu reprezinta doar inceputul. De fapt e o parodie.
Unde as putea cere o traducere chiar daca trebuie sa contribui putin cu bani?
multumesc pentru raspuns