Cucumis - Ókeypis álinju umsetingar tænasta
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Umseting - Turkiskt-Enskt - bence çok değişik

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Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum: TurkisktEnsktSpansktItalskt

Bólkur Prát - Dagliga lívið

Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
bence çok değişik
Framborið av stephanie__988
Uppruna mál: Turkiskt

bence çok değişik
Viðmerking um umsetingina
queste parole...o meglio questa frase me l'ha scritta una ragazza come commento ad uno scenario che ho realizzato su un sito...credo che significhi cose tipo: bello...brutto...schifoso...magnifico...ottimo lavoro...ecc...
inglese le traduzione

In my opinion it is very unusual.

Umsett av Sunnybebek
Ynskt mál: Enskt

In my opinion it is very unusual.
Viðmerking um umsetingina
deÄŸiÅŸik - unusual, different
Instead of "it" also can be used "he" or "she", it depends on the situation where it is used.
Góðkent av kafetzou - 1 August 2008 21:37

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1 August 2008 07:38

Tal av boðum: 7963
She says it's a commentary somebody left on a scenario she published on a site, so maybe it should be "it" (or nothing at all): "Very unusual in my opinion"

1 August 2008 10:43

Tal av boðum: 758
You must be right Kafetzou, but i decided to translate it this way, so she may decide what translation will suit more to her scenario.

1 August 2008 18:19

Tal av boðum: 7963
Sorry, Sunnybebek, but that's not the way it works on this site. I'm one of the English experts, so it's my job to edit your translation or suggest to you how you could change it to make it better. What we can do is change it as I suggested, and then put the alternatives that you suggested in the comments field.

1 August 2008 18:38

Tal av boðum: 758
Ok, Kafetzou, i will edit it.

1 August 2008 21:37

Tal av boðum: 7963
Well done.