Ciao Ale, sono molto contento di averTi trovato almeno qua, ho ammirato i tuoi album, sono molto carini come daltronde lo sei anche Te. Se non Ti sento prima tanti auguri per queste feste. Un bacio grande Enrico
Hi, Ale, I'm very happy for having met you here at least
Hi, Ale, I'm very happy for having met you here at least, I've looked up to your albums, they are very nice just as you are too. If I don't call you before, the best wishes for these feasts. A big kiss. Enrico
It's all fine, but I would rather say "happy for having found you, even if it's here". That's the first thing, and the other is that the verb "ammirare" means "admire" and not "look up" so it' s better to say "I admired your albums...". The rest is good.