Hallo, dear azitrad! hope you are doing fine, my friend! I need to ask you something. Just take a look at item B in the iepuricas bridge, it says 'you can spare time if you return'. I've just confused, and wanna ask you what is the meaning of 'spare time' here, is it like 'lose a time', or like 'have more time/take a free time'?
as an alternative, the second line could also be translated as: "you could save some time if you come back"
"economisi" means actually "saving" as in "saving money"
hazalcigim, yukaridaki yazismalardan da tahmin ettigin gibi, mdd.B'deki 'you can spear time' ifadesini '...zaman kazanabilirsin' seklinde cevirmeliyiz. (aslinda, buradaki 'spear' i karistirman cok dogal, cunku ilginc bir sekilde zit anlamlari tasiyor. )