Eto, zaboravih sinoc da ti posaljem sliku, pa evo sad to ispravljam. Nije neka reprezentativna Bogzna kako, ali je jedna od skorijih. Eto, ja sad tako izgledam, osim brade. Pozdrav, gospodjo Cao macak, vidi sto me bivsi zajebava s pozdravom.....
I forgot to send you a picture last night, so I'm correcting it now. It's not so representative, but it's one of the most recent. So, this is how I look, except for the beard. Greeting, lady Hello stud, look how my x is twitching me with greetings...
Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané lilian canale - 12 októbra 2008 18:29
Perhaps we can make a few changes. I'd use "most recent" instead of "newest" and "except for" instead of "besides".
And maybe you could turn the last sentence into something less vulgar (we have a submission rule which leads to removal of requests containing vulgar vocabulary).