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Tercüme - Latince-İngilizce - Erat Athenis spatiosa et capax domus, sed infamis...

Şu anki durumTercüme
Bu yazının aşağıdaki dillerde karşılığı vardır: Latinceİngilizceİspanyolca

Kategori Kurgu / Hikaye

Erat Athenis spatiosa et capax domus, sed infamis...
Öneri valerita
Kaynak dil: Latince

Erat Athenis spatiosa et capax domus, sed infamis et pestilens. Per silentium noctis sonus ferri, strepitus vinculorum, longius primo, deinde e proximo reddebatur; mox apparebat idolon: senex macie et squalore confectus, cruribus compedes,

There was a large and roomy ...

Çeviri *Serena*
Hedef dil: İngilizce

There was a large and roomy but disreputable and cursed house in Athens.
Through the silence of the night there was the sound of iron, the noise of chains, at first far away and then near by.
Soon a ghost appeared: An old man, thin, and surrounded with dirt , with shackles on his legs.
En son kafetzou tarafından onaylandı - 14 Aralık 2006 00:45