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Traduction - Néerlandais-Anglais - Bereikbaar voor mij.. ongrijpbaar voor jullie..

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Bereikbaar voor mij.. ongrijpbaar voor jullie..
Proposé par Fê
Langue de départ: Néerlandais

Bereikbaar voor mij.. ongrijpbaar voor jullie..

Available for me..

Traduit par tristangun
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

Accessible for me.. intangible for you!
Commentaires pour la traduction
I don't know if she really means "intagniblely", if not this is the right translation: "impalpable"

Same when she means "Bereikbaar"
It can have 2 meanings: when she means a place it would be "accessible" if not, it would be "attainable"

The English word is intangibly: A good word meaning the same thing is imperceptibly
Dernière édition ou validation par dramati - 13 Janvier 2008 05:22

Derniers messages


11 Janvier 2008 12:20

Nombre de messages: 19
Accessible for me sounds like 'you have access to' and it's about love so ...
Impalpable is more clinical like: I can't feel the lump. Intangibly is more like untouchalbe but then when people are from different levels.

11 Janvier 2008 12:25

Nombre de messages: 972
Ok, EllenS, Got it, your response and mine got crossed in the mail. Good points. Does Tristan have a comment on this?

11 Janvier 2008 18:09

Nombre de messages: 464
I'll repeat what I said last time, if you're talking about a girl "Available for me, out of your league" is the best option im my opinion, even though that kind of ruins the analog construction. :/

12 Janvier 2008 18:09

Nombre de messages: 972
Too complicated for me to rule on. While the English is ok, there seems to be some problem with the translation. Need an administrator and language expert to check this out and give us direction here.

12 Janvier 2008 22:50

Nombre de messages: 2747
Hi All,

"Intangibly" would be incorrect here. If "impalpable" is a close synonym, the word "intangible" seems much more appropriate, and in that case the text can be validated.


13 Janvier 2008 11:19

Nombre de messages: 1014
Sorry, I didn't know there was so much response for it

I see that it's already accepted so!
