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Traduction - Turc-Anglais - Hayat insana çok şeyler öğretiyor.Artık sıkıldım...

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Hayat insana çok şeyler öğretiyor.Artık sıkıldım...
Proposé par erman_akoz
Langue de départ: Turc

Bu şarkı benim için çok anlamlıdır.Hayat insana çok şeyler öğretiyor.Artık sıkıldım herşeyden.Bu ülkeyi terketmek istiyorum.İŞ bulamıyorum,aşk bulamıyorum.Ailem dışında bir bağım kalmadı.Onlarda destek oldular.Yakında Londraya gidicem.Sen neler yapıyosun?Nasıl gidiyor hayat?

This song

Traduit par merdogan
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

This song is very meaningful for me. Life teaches people a lot of things. Now I'm tired of everything. I want to leave this country. I can not find a job, I can not find a love. Except for my family I have no other connection. They support me as well. I will go to London soon. What are you doing? How's life going?

Dernière édition ou validation par lilian canale - 13 Juin 2009 21:22

Derniers messages


11 Juin 2009 17:24

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi merdogan,

a few corrections:

The life teachs the people a lot ---> Life teaches people a lot

Anyway, everything bored me ---> Now I'm tired of everything

except for my family

How is going the life?---> How's life going?

11 Juin 2009 23:03

Nombre de messages: 3769
Hi dear lilian,

12 Juin 2009 12:44

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972
Hi again merdogan, please have a second look at your corrections,
You missed a couple of them

12 Juin 2009 15:01

Nombre de messages: 3769
thanks again...

12 Juin 2009 15:08

lilian canale
Nombre de messages: 14972

13 Juin 2009 17:00

Nombre de messages: 758
Bu şarkı benim için çok anlamlıdır --> This song is very meaningful for me

"Yakında Londraya gidicem" - I think "yakında" should be translated as "soon", not as "as soon as possible".

13 Juin 2009 17:23

Nombre de messages: 2132
I agree with Sunnybebek

13 Juin 2009 18:18

Nombre de messages: 758
Yes, and this one, a bit more correct would be:

Hayat insana çok şeyler öğretiyor --> Life teaches people a lot of things.

13 Juin 2009 18:46

Nombre de messages: 2118
Apart from what Sunnybebek has suggested, there is one more part to be edited:

Onlar da destek oldular. --> They have supported me as well.